Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What Is Commercial Liability Insurance?

Commercial liability insurance covers liabilities of businesses and commercial establishments. This specific liability insurance covers any possible liability that arises from business operations.

Commercial liability insurance is very important for a business or a commercial firm. It covers the liabilities arising from damages caused by business dealings partly or fully. So it can help when there is a situation when you need to pay a huge amount as liability. Along with cover of the liabilities caused by business dealings, it also pays for the cost of legal defense when any claim arises.

You need to have proper commercial liability insurance coverage if you want to survive the problems associated with businesses. If you do not have coverage, then you will have to personally pay for all the of the damages.

How Employer Liability Insurance Protects You and Your Employees

What Is It?

Employers Liability Insurance is insurance for small businesses which covers the owner in case any employee is injured or falls sick while at work. Employers liability insurance is required for an overwhelming majority of businesses. Usually this type of insurance covers claims arising from accidents occurring due to negligence of the owner.

To be a little more specific, employer liability insurance is effective in three distinct cases. Firt, it covers your employees if they become sick. Second, they cover the employee if they suffer an injury at work or working for the business. Lastly, it covers the death of the employee. The only circumstance where you do not have to secure employer liability insurance is if you are the only employee or if you do not hire anyone outside of your immediate family.

External Resources:
Employer Liability Insurance Guide
Liability Insurance Resources

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Other Types of Liability Insurance

This site is fully dedicated to finding and providing you with the best information possible on public liability insurance. This week while I was doing some research on affordable liability insurance premiums, I realized that there might be many of you who will want information about other types of commercial liability insurance. I'm going to do my best to gather and possibly publish information on other types of liability insurances for businesses, but for now I'll simply point you in the right direction.

I found a cool article this week that can help you to learn to find public liability insurance overviews. I know that my specialty is commercial liability insurance so I just wanted to point you toward this article. This should be able to point you in the right direction if you are looking to understand how public liability insurance can protect your business assets - it did for me. Hopefully it helps you out and let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Keep in mind that my specialty is liability insurance so sorry if I don't know a ton about what you're trying to do.